






2008年3月10日 星期一



以一般民生的建物總耗電量來說,空調系統用電量約佔建物總用電量40% ~ 48%,照明及插座用電量約佔40%~43.7%, 兩者相加已經超過八成的耗電。由此可知,要想節能,就必須先從空調與照明設備兩類設備先著手。根據研究結果顯示,不穿西裝、不打領帶,空調舒適溫度平均可 提高1.6 度。冷氣調高 1 度,就可節省空調用電 6% ,相當於每年節約用電達 10 億度,所減少的二氧化碳排放量約 69萬公噸,相當於需造林4座陽明山國家公園來吸附(資料來源:經濟部能源局),有助於降低二氧化碳的產生,改善城市熱島效應對環境的影響。此外,在窗戶上加裝窗簾可以減少35%的輻射熱、使用遮陽棚可以減少75%的輻射熱,利用導光板將自然光導入也能降低照明用電量,又可以兼顧室內的舒適度,在撙節資源上,都是一舉多得的好方法。因此,以環保與節能的需求為出發點,資策會的「環境感測智慧整合平台」,透過環境感知與建築設備的整合,能在提供室內舒適環境的前提下,同時降低建築物的耗能量。這項技術可以主動偵測室內外的環境,並配合室內的使用情境,主動調配各種遮陽、採光、通風和空調設備,以達到舒適和節能的目的。本技術不需要更動主要結構,可於建築物整修時導入,具有高度的實用性。

為 了找出最舒適的環境指標,資策會團隊已研發出PMV- EER(Predicted Mean Vote-Energy Efficiency Ratio)指標。空調系統中的EER值表示移除的熱量相對於所需的耗電量比值,可以顯示出空調系統的冷房效率;而PMV指標則是國際標準中,

影響人 體舒適度的六個外在環境因素
  • 空氣溫度、
  • 平均輻射溫度、
  • 空氣溼度、
  • 空氣流動速度、
  • 人體活動程度,
  • 以及衣物熱阻
將EER與PMV兩項指標整合起來,就是 PMV-EER,換言之,設備再也不是毫無目的的運作,而是會自動配合人體的舒適度來調整運作,如此一來既節能又舒適。


Taiwan has a warm, humid, sub-tropical climate. The average related humidity ratio is more than 75%, and the average temperature exceeds 30°C during the period from May to October. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of homes in Taiwan now have air conditioners and dehumidifiers, resulting in a steady increase in electricity consumption. The use of a Smart Environmental Sensor Integration Platform makes it possible to maintain a comfortable living environment within the home while also saving energy, through the use of natural light and air currents. The adoption of this type of system would create a win-win situation, helping citizens to save money while also contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. In a typical home, air conditioning systems account for 40% to 48% of total electricity consumption, with lighting and power sockets accounting for another 40% to 43.7%. These two items combined thus account for over 80% of all residential electricity consumption. Air conditioning and lighting systems must therefore be the priority targets of any serious effort to control energy consumption. Studies have shown that not wearing suits and ties makes it possible to raise the air conditioning temperature by 1.6 degrees without any increase in discomfort. Every degree by which the air conditioning temperature is raised creates a 6% saving in air conditioner electricity consumption. If such an increase could be achieved nationwide, it would permit electricity usage savings of around 1 billion kWH per year, and would result in a 690,000-ton reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, an amount of emissions that would require a forest four times as large as Yangmingshan National Park to absorb (Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs). Controlling air conditioning usage in this way would thus have a major impact on carbon dioxide emissions, thereby helping to combat the urban heat island effect. Another strategy is to install curtains behind windows, which can reduce the amount of radiant heat energy entering the house by 35%; sunshades can reduce radiant heat energy by 75%. Using light guide plates can help to maximize the amount of natural light received by a house, thereby reducing the amount of electricity needed for lighting. All of these strategies can make the home living environment more comfortable, while also savingenergy. The Institute for Information Industry's Smart Environmental Sensor Integration Platform takes environmental protection and energy conservation requirements as its starting point. By integrating environmental sensors with the building design, it is possible to simultaneously provide a comfortable indoor living environment and also reduce the building's energy consumption. This technology automatically detects changes in the internal and external environment of rooms where sensors are located, and then automatically makes any necessary adjustments to shade, light capture, ventilation and air conditioning to meet the goals of both comfort and energy conservation. The adoption of this technology does not require any major alterations to building structure; it can be installed during the course of ordinary renovation work, making it a highly practical solution. In its search for the optimal environmental indicators, the Institute for Information Industry research team developed the PMV-EER (Predicted Mean Vote – Energy Efficiency Ratio) indicator. The EER of an air conditioning system is the ratio of the heat energy removed by the system to the electricity consumption that is needed to achieve this; it thus constitutes a measure of the air conditioning efficiency. PMV is an indicator of human comfort used in international standards that is based on six environmental factors: air temperature, average radiant heat, air humidity, air flow, human physical activity, and heat insulation effect of human clothing. The integration of PMV and EER provides a basis for ensuring that air conditioning and other equipment can be adjusted to provide a comfortable environment while also saving energy. By using sunshades , light guide plates and ventilation systems on the exterior of the building, employing environmental sensor technology inside the building to control lighting and air conditioning equipment, and leveraging PMV-EER technology to ensure a comfortable living environment for the building's occupants, a significant reduction can be achieved in energy consumption. Buildings have a major part to play in environmental protection and energy conservation!
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